Charred rabbit bones. Image courtesy of Annie Hogg.
Annie is an artist, environmentalist, horticulturalist, hopeless optimist, explorer of ideas, and maker of hedge inks and pigments.
She chases down colour in the hedgerows of Ireland, searching for signs of potential harvests throughout the seasons. Being an island which is largely an agricultural landscape, these hedges are among the last vestiges of our wild places. Searching for anything of use in her practice, she will ‘harvest’ animal bones, dumped manmade detritus as well as nettle tips and cleaver roots.
Annie teaches workshops and collaborates with other artists creating specific inks for them be it to a specification of colour, application or sentiment, under the name of The Wild Hedge Ink Co.
Her own work holds a sculptural composition, and sometimes toys with the notions of early human and plant settlement on the island of Ireland.
For the hedges. x
Image courtesy of Annie Hogg.
Oak galls, old iron and copper detritus. Image courtesy of Annie Hogg.
‘Bronze Age.’ Image courtesy of Annie Hogg.
Image courtesy of Annie Hogg.