Image courtesy of Samantha Verrone.
Samantha Verrone uses rust as a facilitator/catalyst to create unusual textiles. The presence of rust (corrosion of metal from exposure to air and moisture) suggests neglect and stagnation. Rust dyed textiles challenge traditional notions of beauty and decoration. Decay itself has an allure. Rust as a dyestuff becomes a metaphor for acceptance of the fragility of life and a way to become comfortable with uncertainty, trusting in a process where results can be unpredictable. The introduction of plant dyes furthers the tension between permanence and ephemera. Tannin rich plants have their own alchemy with rust, creating unique colors and patterns. The marks made by natural dyestuffs change over time, with wear and use, sometimes fading and always developing a unique patina. Curiosity, a slow method, willingness to adapt and to use imperfection to innovate form the taproot of Samantha’s creative process, emphasizing labor intensive rather than resource depleting work.
Image courtesy of Samantha Verrone.
Image courtesy of Samantha Verrone.